

The Write Less, Do More, Javascript Library

This is write less, do more, javascript library. It just working like a magical wand.

Official Documentation

jQAPI - Alternative jQuery Documentation Browser

Download jQuery from here

Some beautiful plugins :

Twitter jQuery#TypeHead :

Twiter's typeahead.js is available as a jQuery plugin.

The UI component of typeahead.js is available as a jQuery plugin. It's responsible for rendering suggestions and handling DOM interactions.


  • Displays suggestions to end-users as they type
  • Shows top suggestion as a hint (i.e. background text)
  • Supports custom templates to allow for UI flexibility
  • Works well with RTL languages and input method editors
  • Highlights query matches within the suggestion
  • Triggers custom events to encourage extensibility

 URL: typehead docs

Fotorama :

A simple yet powerful responsive jQuery image gallery.

Fotorama’s is powerful responsive jQuery image gallery. You can integrate it in various application to show set of images. It is highly customizable to further enhance your user experience.

  • Dimensions
  • Fullscreen
  • Thumbnails
  • Video
  • HTML
  • Fit
  • Transition
  • Captions
  • Hash
  • Loop
  • Autoplay
  • Keyboard
  • Shuffle
  • Arrows, click, swipe
  • Navigation position
  • Right-to-left
  • Initialization
  • Lazy load
  • Full list of options
  • API
  • Image CDN

URL: Fotorama

Select2 :

The jQuery replacement for select boxes

Select2 gives you a customizable select box with support for searching, tagging, remote data sets, infinite scrolling, and many other highly used options.

It Provides following features:

  1. Language support
  2. Remote data support
  3. Theming
  4. Fully extensible
  5. Dynamic item creation
  6. Full browser support

URL: Select2 Website

DataTables :

Advanced tables, instantly

DataTables is a plug-in for the jQuery Javascript library. It is a highly flexible tool, built upon the foundations of progressive enhancement, that adds all of these advanced features to any HTML table.

It Provides following features:

  1. Pagination
  2. Instant search
  3. Multi-column ordering
  4. Use almost any data source
  5. Easily theme-able
  6. Wide variety of extensions
  7. Mobile friendly
  8. Fully internationalisable
  9. Free open source software

URL: Datatables Website

xZoom :

jQuery Zoom Gallery Plugin

All needed features are turned on by default, with adaptive and responsive support. Please, read the manual to see all options.

Mouse over the image, to see zoomed image window.

User mouse scroll to increase or decrease image in zoom window.